We can’t wait to celebrate summer with you again.
Bring Your Lawn Chairs to Sullivan Square is a yearly, community-centric summer concert and variety show event uniting our local Seacoast towns of the Maine Berwicks with both Somersworth and Rollinsford, New Hampshire. The festival showcases local bands, performers, artists, and eccentrics in a family-friendly, all-ages experience that is always free to attend. By bringing well-known, local bands to anchor the events we draw an audience to discover new, young performers and artists—all against the backdrop of a town square that overlooks the literal bridge between the charming old towns of Berwick, Maine and Somersworth, New Hampshire.
We've created a summer festival with deep DNA—“Lawn Chairs” feels as though it has been happening since the 1880s as we've continued the work started by the Berwick Heritage Days. We, of course, include modern, exciting touches. Like food trucks. Or fortune tellers. Or a dunk tank for town selectmen.
Everything in the festival is authentic, with a true sense of place and an emphasis on simple joys. Free face painting. A country band of older locals ripping it up. A locally-raised bison burger and a cold beer brewed down the road. A kid tap-dancing her heart out. Our festival is environmentally and ethically conscientious: compost bins abound while we also focus on keeping it aesthetically lovely. It is hard to take a bad selfie here. We feature all the good vibes of a theme park's Americana Main Street yet this is anything but phony.
We create something truly all ages. Young kids will have plentiful chalk to decorate the Town Hall steps while their parents enjoy the aforementioned beer, burger, and bands. Teenagers should also feel they have a place here—whether to cheer on their performing classmate, to sing in the finale, or to see school friends in a social setting in the summer. And older folks will be partying or performing participants.
In short: We create something for us locals that organically is becoming a not-to-miss festival for those from away. We think what’s special here is the combination of olde-time authenticity and a genuine spirit of fun. All accomplished by taking a page (or chapter) from the Berwick Heritage Days—but with a decidedly carney bent.
General Event Info
11 Sullivan Street
Berwick, ME 03901